Useful Information

Currency and Exchange Rates

The official currency of the Czech Republic is the Czech Crown = Česká koruna (CZK = Kč). Exchange of foreign currency is available at Prague International Airport and principal railway stations (ATM machines and exchange offices) and at most hotels, banks and exchange offices throughout the city. International credit cards are accepted as payment in hotels, restaurants and shops. Payment in cash in EUR is also possible at most restaurants and shops, please ask for details on-site.

You can find the official exchange rates on the website of the Czech National Bank at


The Czech Republic uses a 230 volt 50 Hz system, sockets are European standard and plugs are three-prong grounded.


The organizers do not accept responsibility for individual medical, travel or personal insurance. All participants are strongly advised to make their own personal insurance before travelling to the congress.

Time Zone

The Czech Republic is on Central European Time – Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) plus 1 hour. From April to October it is summer time, i.e. GMT + 2 hours.


Summer weather in Prague can be quite hot at the beginning of July with temperatures above 25 °C and the possibility of some thunderstoms and rain. You can find the current weather

Official Conference Language

The official language of the Ninth World Shakespeare Congress will be English, no simultaneous translation will be provided.

Programme Changes

The organizers cannot assume liability for any changes in the programme due to external or unforeseen circumstances.

Czech Language

Even though English is frequently spoken at all hotels and most shops and restaurants in Prague, we include a few basic Czech words and sentences that may be useful during your stay in Prague.

Ahoj! Hello!
Dobry den! Good day!
Dobry vecer! Good evening!
Dobrou noc! Good night!
Jak se mate? How are you?
Mam se dobre. I am fine.
Dekuji. Thank you.
Kolik to stoji? How much is it?
Pivo beer
Jeden one
Dva two
Tri three
Deset ten